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5 Ways to Celebrate Our Community Heroes

Smart & fun activities developed by Noggin's team of educators and early childhood specialists

1. Play a Guessing Game 

Doctors, nurses, police officers, teachers… there are so many people in our community who keep us safe and healthy! Talk to kids about the different heroes in your community. Why? Because asking questions and talking about community heroes helps your child understand your community and build empathy for others. See the full activity here. Don’t forget to print our Community Heroes Guessing Game. This DIY board game is lots of fun for everyone!

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2. Pretend to Fight Fires

Pretending to be a firefighter builds skills like creativity, expression, and problem solving. If your kid doesn’t have firefighter gear, we’ve got (their heads) covered! Print this color by number helmet for your mini firefighter before battling fake flames or pretending to save a kitten out of a tree! See full activity here.

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3. Make a Book 

Dalmatians are fire dogs, but why? Print and help kids color in this fun fact booklet to learn about why pups like Marshall are known to be fire dogs!

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4. Go Grocery Shopping

The people who help us get the food we need to eat to stay healthy are heroes! Play with your child to explore how food gets onto grocery store shelves, how people find what they need, and how they pay for their food. See the full activity here. Then print our supermarket board game and help kids shop and pay for all the things on their grocery list.

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5. Make Thank You Cards

The mail never fails because of our wonderful mail delivery heroes! Print this mail kit – cards, envelope, and stamps included, and help kids write a little thank you letter to the delivery person in your neighborhood. Be sure to leave the letter in your mailbox to show appreciation to your mail delivery person. See the full activity here.

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Looking for more learning activities? See Noggin’s Smart Schedule!


Get to Know Three Black Heroes

Black History Month