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PAW Guessing Game

A puptacular PAW Patrol twist on a classic party guessing game

Paw Patrol Guess Who Game

Which PAW Patrol friend wears a beaded ankle bracelet and hangs out in a purse? Kids can play a guessing game featuring their favorite PAW Patrol pups and friends. Just print and follow the simple steps below.

(Difficulty Level: Easy)

What You’ll Need

  • Guess Who? Templates (print below!)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Craft knife (optional)


How to Make

Step 1: 
Print and cut out the pages titled Board 1 Front + Board 1 Back + Board 2 Front + Board 2 Back.

Step 2:
Glue together Board 1 Front and Board 1 Back. Do the same for Board 2.

Step 3:
Use a craft knife to cut along the dotted lines on both boards.

Step 4:
Fold the pieces until they stand.

Step 5:
Cut along the outside dotted lines that surround the cards on the Cards Front and Cards Back pages.

Step 6:
Glue the cut out Cards Front and Cards Back pages together and begin to cut along the inside dotted lines to create the cards.


How to Play

After the game boards are set up, it’s time to play! Each player picks a mystery card. Taking turns, each player can ask one “yes” or “no” question about his/her opponent’s mystery person in order to eliminate characters on the board. Players can ask questions until they are ready to guess their opponent’s mystery person.


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